DBA ABC Pastors

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Example of "Living By Faith" Perspective

This is the example David mentioned from Neil Cole's Organic Church:

I felt pressured to make sure we had a remarkable meeting, but as I sat down to come up with an agenda, I clearly felt the Lord saying, "I'll take care of that."

It was risky to show up with these dynamic Japanese leaders who do not have time to waste, at someone else’s expense, and tell them, "Oh, by the way, I don't have an agenda." But this is exactly what I did. I started the meetings by saying, "It is hard for me to do this, but I think it is absolutely necessary. We will not have an agenda here. We will seek the Lord and wait until we know we have heard from Him, because it is important that this work be His, not ours."
When we later recounted our time together, one of the things that impressed the Japanese leaders was the idea of meeting without any agenda other than to seek God. This might have actually been a breakthrough, in a controlled culture of hierarchical leadership structures where the leader is supposed to be "large and in charge."
Despite three years of personal night-and-day, seven-day-a-week training by Jesus, he told His disciples to wait in the upper room behind closed doors and not even think of going out until the Helper came… I believe we need to learn to sit still and wait for God before we launch out with our strategic plans and demographic studies. (pages 50-52)

Click “comments” below and say what you think of this, or tell about other examples you run across.


  • People should read this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:34 AM  

  • Thanks for looking it over, Amaranth! Was there a part you especially liked?

    By Blogger Scott Coleman, at 9:19 AM  

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